Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Ninety-two, Can you imagine?!

For the past two years, my great aunt, Aunt Doris, has lived with us! She is crazy, funny, ornery, and keeps us on our toes at all times. She cannot remember anything to save her life, but between my mother and I, we keep her on a schedule as much as possible; however, she does her own thing some times and we make do with it. Today is her 92nd birthday! Hooray! I am so glad that she made it to 92! Each year, we set a new goal for her: just make it to the next birthday without falling or having hospital stays. It keeps her going and gives her something to look forward to. Plus, she's stingy and wants to be the oldest one in her family. To be the oldest one, she needs to make it to 93. :) We joke all day, every day, and we both love pestering each other. She's a joy to be around 99% of the time and the other 1% of the time, she is confused and mad because she has mixed things up or doesn't remember something that she wants to remember.
 I decorate the house every year, for her birthday.

We only put one candle on the cake... If we would've
put ninety-two candles on there, the house would've caught on fire. :)

Today we celebrated her. She didn't remember getting presents this morning or even opening them, and that is okay. We reminded her of her gifts and I joked with her "The good thing about not being able to remember anything is that gifts are just as exciting the second time you open them as they were the first time you opened them." She laughed and laughed. My mom brought her home some fried chicken from KFC (fried chicken is her favorite). After dinner, I brought out the gluten free, Black Forest cake that I made her for her birthday and it was delicious! It is my favorite cake. 

 She wasn't too sure if she wanted to share!

The cake does not look as appetizing as it tasted... but
that is because our BREAKER FLIPPED ON THE FRIDGE!
Seriously, how does this happen?!!! Luckily my brother caught it in time.
The cake was still okay, but the icing had started to soften a bit, which 
caused it to slide off the cake some! It still tasted delicious though!
AND... Aunt Doris didn't mind, or notice. :) 

It is so easy to make too!
  • Gluten Free Chocolate cake mix (I used HEB brand)
  • Cherry pie filling (mine was homemade)
  • Cool Whip Icing (usually a mixture of cool whip and powdered sugar, but I use cream cheese icing in place of the powdered sugar)

Cheers to you Aunt Doris! Cheers to another year! 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Gluten Free Chex Oatmeal {Product Review}

So first off, I apologize for not posting in a few weeks. I have been sick with a sinus infection, double ear infection, and the start of bronchitis. I am slowly getting better, but have just been taking it easy. I have not been sick in over a year until now. However, when I started getting sick, I was in Oklahoma visiting family and we went to Walmart to grab a couple groceries. My mom just happened to go down the cereal aisle and came across these lovely items!
So of course, we bought two of each! I have always loved a good bowl of oatmeal in the morning. I could care less whether it is plain oatmeal, nutella oatmeal (which is delicious & one of my faves), oatmeal with fresh fruit, or the variety of flavors in the microwave pouches... I just love oatmeal. This oatmeal is perfect! It was priced well & the individual oatmeal pouches will be great for when I am traveling! I have to say that the flavored pouches, apple cinnamon & maple and brown sugar, taste just like the original oatmeal pouches that I grew up with. Now if only they made gluten free peaches and cream oatmeal, I would be ecstatic. :) I do not add that much sugar to my oatmeal when I am making it myself, so I do feel like the flavored pouches are too sweet for me; however, that is an easy fix! I just add a little plain oats to the bowl when I am making it. 

Overall, this is a great product and is priced well! I will definitely be buying more of this in the future. I need to check my local stores to see if they are carrying it yet! Now, go out and search for this lovely oatmeal so that you can try it for yourself. :)


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

NF1 and Amazon Smile

I leave tomorrow to go visit family for the weekend, but I wanted to get the world out about Amazon Smile and NF1. My perfect, little niece, Ruby was just recently diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1, for short) which is a genetic disorder. NF1 has symptoms that vary from nothing to severe and there is no way to know the severity until a symptom comes. What I do know is that my sister and brother-in-law will be sure to get Ruby all the necessary care and treatments that may be needed. To learn more about NF1, you can go to

This is an older picture of me and my niece Ruby.
She will be two in September.

I know you must be thinking, "what does NF1 and Amazon Smile have to do with each other?" Well, it just so happens that if you go to, Amazon will donate a portion of your purchases.

Yes, it is only 0.5%, but if everyone starts shopping there then it adds up to a ton of money! Amazon Smile allows the customers to choose the non-profit of their choice that they want to donate to. The Children's Tumor Foundation is the LEADING organization for funding and researching NF1! If you are a big amazon fan like I am, please be so kind as to set your account up to donate to the Children's Tumor Foundation. I just made my first donation with my amazon purchase. More funding and research needs to be given to the Children's Tumor Foundation so that we can END NF1.